001 /*
002 * YamCommand.java
003 * Copyright (c) 1998-2008, The University of Sheffield.
004 *
005 * This code is from the GATE project (http://gate.ac.uk/) and is free
006 * software licenced under the GNU General Public License version 3. It is
007 * distributed without any warranty. For more details see COPYING.txt in the
008 * top level directory (or at http://gatewiki.sf.net/COPYING.txt).
009 *
010 * Hamish Cunningham, 7th Feb 2007
011 */
013 package gate.yam;
015 import java.util.*;
016 import java.io.*;
017 import java.net.*;
018 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
019 import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
020 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
021 import org.springframework.core.io.*;
022 import org.springframework.context.support.*;
023 import gate.*;
024 import gate.gui.MainFrame;
025 import gate.util.*;
026 import gate.yam.parse.*;
027 import gate.yam.translate.*;
030 /**
031 * Command-line programme for YAM translation.
032 * <b>NOTE:</b> this class uses an outdated implementation of the top-level
033 * YAM API which should not be used by API clients. See {@link YamFile} for
034 * the real deal.
035 * @author Hamish Cunningham
036 */
037 public class YamCommand
038 {
039 /** Construction. */
040 public YamCommand() { }
042 /** The URL of the bibliography file used for citations in tests */
043 private static String BIB_URL = "http://gate.ac.uk/sale/bib/main.html";
045 /** The anchor prefix used for citations in tests */
046 private static String BIB_ANCHOR_PREFIX = "X";
048 /**
049 * Translate to a particular target language.
050 *
051 * @param yamReader A reader which sources the YAM document.
052 * @param outputWriter A writer to which the translation is streamed.
053 * @param outputType A flag signalling which target to produce.
054 * @param sourceDir A file pointing to the directory in which the source YAM
055 * document lives (used to find included files that are relative paths).
056 * @return the parse tree.
057 * @throws GateException if parsing or translation fails, or if
058 * the outputType is invalid.
059 */
060 public YamParseTree translate(
061 Reader yamReader, Writer outputWriter, YamFile.FileType outputType,
062 File sourceDir
063 )
064 throws GateException
065 {
066 // construct a parser and run it
067 YamParser parser = new YamParser(yamReader);
068 IOHandler ioHandler = new IOHandlerImpl();
069 ioHandler.setSourceDir(sourceDir);
070 ioHandler.setBibAnchorPrefix(BIB_ANCHOR_PREFIX);
071 try {
072 ioHandler.setBibPageUrl(new UrlResource(BIB_URL));
073 } catch(MalformedURLException e) {
074 throw new GateException(e);
075 }
076 parser.setIOHandler(ioHandler);
077 YamParseTree parseTree = parser.parse();
079 // translate
080 translate(outputType, outputWriter, parseTree, ioHandler);
082 // return the results
083 return parseTree;
084 } // translate(yamReader, outputWriter, outputType, sourceDir)
086 /**
087 * Construct an appropriate translator for the target language and run it.
088 */
089 void translate(
090 YamFile.FileType outputType, Writer outputWriter, YamParseTree parseTree,
091 IOHandler ioHandler
092 ) throws GateException {
093 AbstractTranslator translator = null;
094 switch(outputType) {
095 case HTML:
096 translator = new HtmlTranslator();
097 break;
098 case LATEX:
099 translator = new LaTeXTranslator();
100 break;
101 case PDF:
102 //new latex translator and set pdf flag on it; Writer is for the .tex
103 break;
104 case TREE:
105 translator = new TreeTranslator();
106 break;
107 case YAM:
108 case PRETTY:
109 translator = new PrettyTranslator();
110 break;
111 default:
112 throw new GateException("unknown output type " + outputType);
113 }
114 translator.setIOHandler(ioHandler);
115 translator.setParseTree(parseTree);
116 translator.setWriter(outputWriter);
117 if(DEBUG && outputType == YamFile.FileType.PRETTY)
118 ((PrettyTranslator) translator).pleaseLeakLotsOfMemory = true;
119 translator.translate();
120 } // translate(FileType, Writer, YamParseTree, IOHandler)
122 /**
123 * Get the language version number.
124 * Version 1 was derived from Terrence Parr's TML language (thanks Ter!
125 * See <a href=http://antlr.org>the ANTLR site</a>).
126 * Version 2 was the first version of YAM proper. Version 3 added
127 * various new facilities and was the basis for the first version of CLIE.
128 * Version 4 was a complete rewrite, for GATE version 4 and for use in
129 * <a href=http://gatewiki.sf.net/>CoW</a>. Version 5 is intended to be
130 * stable and backwards-compatible with future versions.
131 */
132 public String getVersion() { return "5.0"; }
134 /** Print errors and warnings from parsing. */
135 public String printErrors(YamParseTree parseTree) {
136 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
137 if(parseTree == null)
138 return "null parse tree in YamCommand.printErrors(YPT)\n";
139 List errors = parseTree.getErrors();
140 List warnings = parseTree.getWarnings();
141 if(errors.size() == 0 && warnings.size() == 0)
142 return buf.toString();
143 buf.append("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% errors and warnings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n");
144 for(int i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
145 buf.append(((ParsingProblem)errors.get(i)).getMessage() + "\n");
146 for(int i=0; i<warnings.size(); i++)
147 buf.append(((ParsingProblem)warnings.get(i)).getMessage() + "\n");
148 buf.append("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%");
149 return buf.toString();
150 } // printErrors()
153 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
154 /** Main function. */
155 public static void main(String[] args) {
156 String inFileName = null, outFileName = null, outputType = "html";
157 Getopt g = new Getopt("YAM main", args, "hi:o:l:");
158 int c;
159 YamFile.FileType outputTypeFlag = YamFile.FileType.HTML;
161 while( (c = g.getopt()) != -1 )
162 switch(c) {
163 // -h
164 case 'h':
165 help();
166 usage();
167 System.exit(STATUS_NORMAL);
168 break;
169 // -l language
170 case 'l':
171 outputType = g.getOptarg();
172 break;
173 // -i in-file
174 case 'i':
175 inFileName = g.getOptarg();
176 break;
177 // -o in-file
178 case 'o':
179 outFileName = g.getOptarg();
180 break;
181 case '?':
182 // leave the warning to getopt
183 errorExit("");
184 break;
185 default:
186 // shouldn't happen!
187 errorExit("getopt() returned " + c + "\n");
188 break;
189 } // getopt switch
191 // validate args
192 if(inFileName == null) errorExit("no input file specified");
193 if(outFileName == null) errorExit("no output file specified");
194 if(outputType.equals("html"))
195 outputTypeFlag = YamFile.FileType.HTML;
196 else if(outputType.equals("latex"))
197 outputTypeFlag = YamFile.FileType.LATEX;
198 else if(outputType.equals("tree"))
199 outputTypeFlag = YamFile.FileType.TREE;
200 else if(outputType.equals("pretty"))
201 outputTypeFlag = YamFile.FileType.PRETTY;
202 else
203 errorExit("unknown output type: " + outputType);
205 // run the GATE Developer UI for debugging (e.g. pretty-printing docs)
206 if(DEBUG) {
207 if(! gateMainFrameIsOn) {
208 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
209 public void run() {
210 MainFrame mainFrame = new MainFrame();
211 mainFrame.setVisible(true);
212 }
213 });
214 gateMainFrameIsOn = true;
215 }
216 }
218 // set up the IO stuff
219 File inFile = new File(inFileName);
220 File outFile = new File(outFileName);
221 File sourceDir = inFile.getParentFile();
222 Reader yamReader = null;
223 Writer outputWriter = null;
224 try {
225 yamReader = new FileReader(inFile);
226 } catch(IOException e) {
227 errorExit("can't open " + inFileName + ":\n" + e);
228 }
229 try {
230 outputWriter = new FileWriter(outFile);
231 } catch(IOException e) {
232 errorExit("can't open " + outFileName + ":\n" + e);
233 }
235 // do the parsing and translation
236 Out.prln("translating " + inFileName + " into " + outFileName);
237 YamCommand yam = null;
238 YamParseTree parseTree = null;
239 try {
240 yam = new YamCommand();
241 parseTree =
242 yam.translate(yamReader, outputWriter, outputTypeFlag, sourceDir);
243 try {
244 yamReader.close();
245 outputWriter.close();
246 } catch(IOException e) {
247 errorExit("couldn't close the input or output files");
248 }
249 Out.pr(yam.printErrors(parseTree));
250 } catch(GateException e) {
251 Out.pr(yam.printErrors(parseTree));
252 errorExit("YAM error: " + e);
253 }
255 if(! gateMainFrameIsOn)
256 System.exit(STATUS_NORMAL);
257 } // main(String[])
259 // TODO
260 static final boolean DEBUG = false;
261 static boolean gateMainFrameIsOn = false;
263 /** Display a usage message */
264 static void usage() {
265 Out.prln(
266 "Usage: java yam.Main " + "[ -h(elp) ] " +
267 "[ -language html|tex|tree|pretty ]" + " -i inFileName -o outFileName"
268 );
269 } // usage()
271 /** Display a help message */
272 static void help() {
273 Out.prln(
274 "Please give generously."
275 );
276 } // help()
278 /** Display an error message and exit */
279 static void errorExit(String message) {
280 Err.prln(message + "\n");
281 System.exit(STATUS_ERROR);
282 } // errorExit(String)
284 /** Status flag for normal exit. */
285 private static final int STATUS_NORMAL = 0;
287 /** Status flag for error exit. */
288 private static final int STATUS_ERROR = 1;
290 /** SInS (plain) logger */
291 static Logger slgr = Logger.getLogger("gate.sins");
293 /** Initialise GATE if it hasn't already been done. */
294 static {
295 if(! Gate.isInitialised()) {
296 /*
297 File cowGate =
298 new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "web-app/WEB-INF/gate");
299 System.setProperty(
300 "gate.user.session",
301 new File(cowGate, "user-gate.session").getAbsolutePath()
302 );
303 System.setProperty(
304 "gate.user.config",
305 new File(cowGate, "user-gate.xml").getAbsolutePath()
306 );
307 System.setProperty(
308 "gate.site.config",
309 new File(cowGate, "site-gate.xml").getAbsolutePath()
310 );
311 Gate.setGateHome(cowGate);
312 */
313 try {
314 Gate.init();
315 } catch(GateException e) {
316 slgr.error("couldn't init Gate");
317 slgr.error(e);
318 }
319 }
320 } // static block
322 } // YamCommand