CoW: a controllable wiki


1. Why another wiki?

Scratching three itches:

  1. adding interaction to a largish static site (15k HTML files, 40k other files)
  2. wiki style collaborative document creation with asynchonous off-line editing
  3. a test-bed for experiments in controlled languages for round-trip ontology engineering

2. Main features

3. Using SVN as a Wiki backend

No available Wiki in Java that we could find has good SVN support. Using SVN as a backend gives us:

Why not JCR layered on top of SVN? Just a question of team resources and experience, the strength of the SVNKit library and so on.

4. Controlled languages and semantics

Annotating documents with semantics is not a panacea for all the problems of document retrieval, but can in certain circumstances be beneficial, especially for high value and medium or low volume content.

CoW is partly intended to be an experimental framework for a new type of website in which

This work is funded by research projects with

5. Current status

CoW uses Grails and currently includes:

The system has two modes, workstation and server; the former does no user management, the latter uses the Acegi plugin.