Package gate.versioning.cmdline

A thin layer on top of version control systems like CVS and SVN.


Interface Summary
Repository This is the main entry point for the version control package.

Class Summary
AbstractRepository Abstract repository implementation.
AbstractTestVersionControl Tests for version control API.
CvsRepository CVS repository implementation.
SvnRepository SVN repository implementation.
TestCvsVersionControl Tests for CVS version control API
TestSvnVersionControl Tests for SVN version control API

Package gate.versioning.cmdline Description

A thin layer on top of version control systems like CVS and SVN.

Package Specification

This package provides an API layered on top of systems like CVS and SVN. The public face of the package is the gate.versioncontrol.Repository interface. Only the basics are provided (no support for tags, branches etc.).

The API is a thin layer which is implemented via execution of the command-line client programs for the underlying systems. This has advantages:

And disadvantages:

Note: the name of the main interface, gate.versioncontrol.Repository, is misleading. It doesn't really model version control repositories, but version control commands. In a perfect world it would be renamed.