Package gate.yam

Main interface to the YAM language.


Interface Summary
IOHandler This interface is used by the YAM parser to initialise IO streams.
YamPlugin This interface must be implemented by all YAM plugins (which must be in the package gate.yam.plugins).

Class Summary
AbstractTranslatorTest Unit test for translators.
YamCommand Command-line programme for YAM translation.
YamFile Main interface to the YAM language and its translation.
YamTests Unit test for the YamFile class.
YamTestUtils Utility class for YAM tests.

Enum Summary
YamFile.FileType The various file types involved with YAM and their filename suffixes.

Package gate.yam Description

Main interface to the YAM language.

Package Specification

This package provides an interface to parsing and translation of the YAM language. The main public face of the package is the gate.yam.Yam class.