Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
gate.yam.parse Parsing of the YAM language. 

Uses of Node in gate.yam.parse

Classes in gate.yam.parse that implement Node
 class ASTAnchor
 class ASTBr
 class ASTColumn
 class ASTContents
 class ASTControl
 class ASTEscape
 class ASTHr
 class ASTList
 class ASTListItem
 class ASTNbsp
 class ASTOList
 class ASTParagraph
 class ASTPlain
 class ASTPredicate
 class ASTRow
 class ASTSectionHead
 class ASTSectionText
 class ASTSep
 class ASTTable
 class ASTTableSep
 class ASTTargetControl
 class ASTText
 class ASTTextOrTable
 class ASTTitle
 class ASTUList
 class ASTUnit
 class ASTUrl
 class ASTVerbatim
 class ASTWhsp
 class ASTWord
 class ASTYamDocument
 class SimpleNode
          Node implementation class mostly generated by JJTree.

Fields in gate.yam.parse declared as Node
protected  Node[] SimpleNode.children
protected  Node SimpleNode.parent

Methods in gate.yam.parse that return Node
 Node Node.jjtGetChild(int i)
          This method returns a child node.
 Node SimpleNode.jjtGetChild(int i)
 Node Node.jjtGetParent()
 Node SimpleNode.jjtGetParent()

Methods in gate.yam.parse with parameters of type Node
 void SimpleNode.addChildren(Node other)
          Add all the children of a node to this node.
 void YamParseTree.addHeadingNode(Node headingNode)
          Add a heading node.
 void Node.jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
          This method tells the node to add its argument to the node's list of children.
 void SimpleNode.jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
 void Node.jjtSetParent(Node n)
          This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.
 void SimpleNode.jjtSetParent(Node n)
 void YamParseTree.setContentsNode(Node contentsNode)
          Set the contents node of the tree.
 void YamParseTree.setRootNode(Node rootNode)
          Set the root node of the tree.
 void YamParseTree.setTitleNode(Node titleNode)
          Set the title node of the tree.