Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleNode
gate.yam.parse Parsing of the YAM language. 
gate.yam.translate Translation of YAM to other languages. 

Uses of SimpleNode in gate.yam.parse

Subclasses of SimpleNode in gate.yam.parse
 class ASTAnchor
 class ASTBr
 class ASTColumn
 class ASTContents
 class ASTControl
 class ASTEscape
 class ASTHr
 class ASTList
 class ASTListItem
 class ASTNbsp
 class ASTOList
 class ASTParagraph
 class ASTPlain
 class ASTPredicate
 class ASTRow
 class ASTSectionHead
 class ASTSectionText
 class ASTSep
 class ASTTable
 class ASTTableSep
 class ASTTargetControl
 class ASTText
 class ASTTextOrTable
 class ASTTitle
 class ASTUList
 class ASTUnit
 class ASTUrl
 class ASTVerbatim
 class ASTWhsp
 class ASTWord
 class ASTYamDocument

Methods in gate.yam.parse that return SimpleNode
 SimpleNode YamParseTree.getContentsNode()
          Get the contents node of the tree.
 SimpleNode YamParseTree.getRootNode()
          Get the root node of the tree.
 SimpleNode YamParseTree.getTitleNode()
          Get the title node of the tree.

Methods in gate.yam.parse with parameters of type SimpleNode
 int YamParseTree.getNumNodes(SimpleNode node)
          Count the number of nodes in a (sub)tree.
 boolean YamParseTreeTests.treeEmpty(SimpleNode n)
          Helper to check tree contents.

Uses of SimpleNode in gate.yam.translate

Methods in gate.yam.translate that return SimpleNode
 SimpleNode Cursor.getHereNode()
          First node in current position.
 SimpleNode Cursor.getNextNode()
          Next node from current position.

Methods in gate.yam.translate with parameters of type SimpleNode
 NodeKind Cursor.findNodeKind(SimpleNode n)
          Type of the next node after the current Sep sequence.
 void AbstractTranslator.printTree(SimpleNode node)
          Traverse (and translate) a subtree.
 void AbstractTranslator.printTree(SimpleNode node, boolean inContents)
          Traverse (and translate) a subtree.
 void AbstractTranslator.printTree(SimpleNode node, boolean inContents, SimpleNode nextNode)
          Traverse (and translate) a subtree.
abstract  void AbstractTranslator.processURLs(SimpleNode node)
          Process URLs and Anchors.
 void HtmlTranslator.processURLs(SimpleNode node)
          Process URLs and Anchors.
 void LaTeXTranslator.processURLs(SimpleNode node)
          Process URLs and Anchors.
 void PrettyTranslator.processURLs(SimpleNode node)
          Process URLs and Anchors.
 void TreeTranslator.processURLs(SimpleNode node)
          Process URLs and Anchors.
 void TreeTranslator.traverse(String prefix, SimpleNode node)
          Traverse a subtree.

Constructors in gate.yam.translate with parameters of type SimpleNode
Cursor(SimpleNode rootNode, int leadingMin, int leadingMax)
          Construction from parse tree root node.