Uses of Class

Packages that use YamFile
gate.yam Main interface to the YAM language. 

Uses of YamFile in gate.yam

Methods in gate.yam that return YamFile
static YamFile YamFile.get(File location)
          Static factory method for getting a YAM file.
static YamFile YamFile.get( location)
          Static factory method for getting a YAM file.
static YamFile YamFile.needsGeneration( location)
          This method checks whether a dependent file (one that is generated from YAM) needs regeneration, and if so it returns a YamFile instance corresponding to the generated file.

Uses of YamFile in gate.yam.depend

Methods in gate.yam.depend with parameters of type YamFile
 Set<String> Dependencies.created(YamFile createdYam)
          Given a created YamFile, returns a Set of the canonical paths of those YamFiles that need regenerating, because they depend on the created YamFile.
 Set<String> Dependencies.deleted(YamFile deletedYam)
          Given a deleted YamFile, returns a Set of the canonical paths of those YamFiles that need regenerating, because they depend on the deleted YamFile.
 Set<String> Dependencies.modified(YamFile modifiedYam)
          Given a modified YamFile, returns a Set of the canonical paths of those YamFiles that need regenerating, because they depend on the modified YamFile.
 Set<String> Dependencies.renamed(YamFile oldYam, YamFile newYam)
          Given the old name and new name of a renamed YamFile, returns a Set of the canonical paths of those YamFiles that need regenerating, because they depend on the renamed YamFile.