Uses of Class

Packages that use YamParseTree
gate.yam Main interface to the YAM language. 
gate.yam.parse Parsing of the YAM language. 
gate.yam.translate Translation of YAM to other languages. 

Uses of YamParseTree in gate.yam

Methods in gate.yam that return YamParseTree
 YamParseTree YamFile.generate()
          Translate to target languages.
 YamParseTree YamFile.getParseTree()
          Get the parse tree (and related state) created by YamFile.generate().
 YamParseTree YamCommand.translate(Reader yamReader, Writer outputWriter, YamFile.FileType outputType, File sourceDir)
          Translate to a particular target language.

Methods in gate.yam with parameters of type YamParseTree
 String YamCommand.printErrors(YamParseTree parseTree)
          Print errors and warnings from parsing.
static String YamFile.printErrors(YamParseTree parseTree)
          Print errors and warnings from parsing.

Uses of YamParseTree in gate.yam.parse

Methods in gate.yam.parse that return YamParseTree
 YamParseTree YamParser.parse()
          Perform parsing, and handle errors not dealt with in the grammar.
 YamParseTree YamParser.parse(boolean titleIsHeading, boolean ignoreTitle, int headingIncrement, boolean doIncludes)
          Perform parsing, and handle errors not dealt with in the grammar.

Methods in gate.yam.parse with parameters of type YamParseTree
 void YamParseTree.merge(YamParseTree other)
          Merge another tree with this one.

Uses of YamParseTree in gate.yam.translate

Methods in gate.yam.translate with parameters of type YamParseTree
 void PrettyTranslatorTests.doSuperCleverMysteriousTests(YamParseTree tree)
 void AbstractTranslator.setParseTree(YamParseTree parseTree)
          Set the tree holding the results of a YAM parse.